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Noah John Rondeau’s Adirondack Wilderness Days


Noah John Rondeau’s Adirondack Wilderness Days – A Year with the Hermit of Cold River Flow
By William J. O’Hern
Living far from civilization Noah John Rondeau, the original Adirondack Hermit, wrote daily diary entries to document his experience. To conceal incriminating information from “snooping game protectors” he developed an enigmatic code that was said to resemble the “footprints of an inebriated hen.” In 1946, Rondeau wrote his entire journal in code. David Greene discovered a key and broke the code. The decoded journal reveals the real story of a fun-loving hermit thriving in the wilderness.

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Noah John Rondeau’s Adirondack Wilderness Days – A Year with the Hermit of Cold River Flow
By William J. O’Hern
Note: This title is out of stock for re-printing
Paperback, 6″ x 9″, 336 pages with over 135 Vintage Photographs and Illustrations. Includes Maps, Index and Bibliography
While living far from civilization at “Cold River City Population one,” Noah John Rondeau, the original Adirondack Hermit, wrote daily diary entries to document his experience. To conceal incriminating information from “snooping game protectors” he developed an enigmatic code that was said to resemble the “footprints of an inebriated hen.” In 1946, Rondeau wrote his entire journal in code, making it the most mysterious of all. Attempts to break the code all ended in failure until David Greene discovered a key and shared his findings with author William J. O’Hern.
Noah John Rondeau’s Adirondack Wilderness Days—A Year with the Hermit of Cold River Flow, tells the story of how the code was broken and then reveals the real story of a fun-loving hermit thriving in the wilderness. In addition to Rondeau’s decoded journal entries, letters, photographs and reminiscences from friends who visited him complete the story of the misunderstood recluse.
Why did Noah create the code? What secrets does it contain? Learn the answers in “Noah John Rondeau’s Adirondack Wilderness Days – A Year with the Hermit of Cold River Flow.”
A Sample of Noah’s Code

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